95' SBIOA Exam


93 Exam 
Part A: M/C
Part B: Short Answers
Part C: Essay Question

94 Exam 
Part A: M/C
Part B: Essay Questions

95 Exam 
Part A: M/C
Part B:
Part C:
Part D:

97 Exam 
Part A: M/C
Part B:
Part C:
Part D:


PART C:  Single Issues, Calculations and Essay.  JUST ANSWER ANY 6 OF THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS.

Total= 60.


1 .         The population of zebra mussels in a certain lake is currently 1 000.  They are breeding at a rate of increase of 12% per month.


            a . How many zebra mussels ought there be in 2 years (24 months)?  Show all relevant elements to your solution.


            b . In 2 years, only 4 000 zebra mussels are found.  Give four five different reasons why this may be so.


2 .          A biologist's team catches and tags 2000 lake trout in Lake Huron.  S/he then lets them go.  After the weekend, the team recaptures 400 lake trout.  Twenty of the 400 are tagged. 


            a . What is the population of lake trout?  What assumptions are being made in your analysis?

            b . If the area they fished in was 10 square kilometres, how many lake trout are there in Lake Huron?  Use the map provided.


3 .             Describe the chemi-osmotic theory of how ATP is made.


4 .         Which biochemical reactions are more important:  reduction or oxidation.  Explain, using examples.


5 .         The Rhesus factor protein is a protein which sticks out from the surface of red blood cells.  A person who does have the protein is referred to as "Rh+."  A person who lacks the protein is called an "Rh-."  Sixteen percent of North Americans are Rh-. 

            a . How many people in the population are genetically heterozygous for the Rh gene?

            b . Which gene is dominant?  How do you know?


6 .          Briefly describe five bodies of evidence which support belief in evolution of organisms.


7 .         Beans are a plant.  Plants make glucose.  Beans are high in protein.  Soil contains an oxidzed form of nitrogen atoms knwown as nitrates (NO3-).  Where do beans get their protein from.


8 .         How important are proteins to a plant?


9 .            Describe the workings of either the lac operon. 



  <-Part B  ---  Part C ---   Part D->