97' SBIOA Exam


93 Exam 
Part A: M/C
Part B: Short Answers
Part C: Essay Question

94 Exam 
Part A: M/C
Part B: Essay Questions

95 Exam 
Part A: M/C
Part B:
Part C:
Part D:

97 Exam 
Part A: M/C
Part B:
Part C:
Part D:


PART A:  Multiple Choice.  Answer all these.  One Mark each for 39 questions, then two marks each for the next 8.   Total:  39+16 = 55  (est. time: 1 hour)

Note:  I have used the terms NADH and NADH2 and NADH/H+ interchangeably (i.e., they are all meant to be equal in meaning. So don’t look for tricks there.  Also, if I haven’t subscripted or superscripted stuff, don’t get hung up on that either.

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1.                  Black flies (the little bugs about this big:  q) typically exhibit:

a)          J-curve growth cycles.

b)         Sigmoidal shaped growth cycles.

c)         K shaped growth cycles.

d)        Capacity Level shaped cycles.

e)          none of the above.  (Note: Yes Miranda, in Temagami they are the size of sparrows.)


2.                  If Canada were to continue its population increase of  + 0.4% per year, in how many years will population double?

a)                  0.72 years

b)                 7.2 years

c)                  72 years

d)                 720 years

e)                  1440 years


3.                  The rate of growth of a natural population

a)                  always reaches the carrying capacity of the ecosystem.

b)                 *correct*is limited by the carrying capacity of the ecosystem.

c)                  when graphed, always has a positive slope.

d)                 is calculated by subtracting death rate from birth rate.

e)                  exceeds the death rate and rate of emigration.


4.                  An example of a monosaccharide is

a)                  sucrose.

b)                 cellulose.

c)                  glycogen.

d)                 *correct*glucose.

e)                  maltose.


5.                  The role of water in photosynthesis is to

a)                  provide energy.

b)                 activate chlorophyll.

c)                  refract intense sunlight.

d)                 supply oxygen.

e)                  *ans*supply free electrons.


6.                  A transfer RNA molecule carrying the amino acid, serine, has the anticodon UCA.  The complementary codon on the molecule of messenger RNA would be

a)                  UGA

b)                 TGU

c)                  AGU

d)                 AGT

e)                  UCA


7.                  The process by which messenger RNA is synthesized from a DNA template is called:

a)                  *correct* transcription.

b)                 translocation.

c)                  replication.

d)                 transpiration.

e)                  translation.


8.                  If a couple have had 4 boys and 1 girl, what are the chances that their next child will be a girl?

a)                  0 % in favour of the girl.

b)                 five to one in favour of having a girl.

c)                  five to one in favour of having a boy.

d)                 even odds (50%)

e)                  100% in favour of having a girl.


9.                  A student who is writing his/er answers only on this sheet, and not on the back page which is the multiple choice sheet, is most likely

a)                  too freaked out to think straight.

b)                 out-to-lunch..

c)                  Tony Curcio

d)                 taking his or her time and will transfer them over later, thank you very much.

e)                  wondering how in God's name, multiple-choice ever passed as being (Hey! Don't get me started.)


10.              The great diversity of structure in proteins is mainly due to

a)                  different kinds of bonds between successive amino acids.

b)                 *correct*different numbers, kinds, and sequences of amino acids.

c)                  the precise location of specific amino acids, common to all proteins. 

d)                 the action of the ribosomes.

e)                  the disulphide and hydrogen bonds which determine molecular shape.


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