Ecology Test VIII


Bio-geochemical Cycles 
Quiz I

Problem set I

Ecology Test 
Test 1   Test 2
Test 3   Test 4
Test 5   Test 6
Test 7   Test 8
Test 9   M/C 

Energy Calculation 
Quiz 1   Quiz 2

Human Ecology  
Quiz 1   Quiz 2
Quiz 3   

Population Dynamics 
Quiz 1   Quiz 2
Quiz 3   Quiz 4
Quiz 5   Quiz 6

Part A: Easy Stuff

  1. List five processes into which sunlight goes when it hits the earth.
  2. List three traits of an r-selecting species and three traits for a k-selecting species.

Part B: Longer Answers (70%; 10 marks each)
  1. Briefly describe three ways in which the City of London is not a closed system?
  2. Use a diagram to show the interconnectedness of any four sources and sinks. Name the processes.
  3. The Morningside-Rogue Forest ecosystem measures 20,000 m by 10,000 m. All the plants in this ecosystem produce 2,000,000 GJ of energy per year. Use a schematic to show the flow of energy among the producers, primary consumers, secondary, tertiary consumers and decomposers. On the schematic, show how much of the 200,000 GJ of energy goes into each trophic level.
  4. In order to estimate the population of turbot off the east coast of Newfoundland, 20,000 turbot were captured and tagged with metal strips in their fins. The very next day fish were captured in two batches. The first batch had 1000 fish in total, 100 of which had tags. The second batch had 750 fish, 150 of which had tags. According to these figures, how many turbot are there? (Show your calculations!)
    a) Is this a "good" estimate of the fish population? Explain. 
  5. The population of fur seals is increasing at a rate of 9 percent per year. The population is currently at 10,000,000. 
    a) What will the population be in 32 years?
    b) When will the population be 24,000,000?