95' SBIOA Exam


93 Exam 
Part A: M/C
Part B: Short Answers
Part C: Essay Question

94 Exam 
Part A: M/C
Part B: Essay Questions

95 Exam 
Part A: M/C
Part B:
Part C:
Part D:

97 Exam 
Part A: M/C
Part B:
Part C:
Part D:


PART A:  Multiple Choice.  Answer all the following.  [1 mark each].

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1 .         In biological systems, oxidation involves


            a .         gain of electrons.

            b .         *correct* loss of hydrogen atoms.

            c .         free oxygen.

            d .         gain of hydrogen atoms.

            e .         loss of oxygen atoms.


2 .          In using the analogy of a key and a lock to explain enzyme action,


            I. the key is analogous to the enzyme and the lock to the substrate.

            II. the key is analogous to the substrate and the lock to the enzyme.

            III. the stem of the key is analogous to the protein part of an enzyme.

            IV. the stem of the key is analogous to the non‑protein part of the enzyme.

            V. a key which will open only one lock is analogous to an enzyme which has a high degree of specificity.


            Which of the above statements are correct?


            a .         II, III, and V

            b .         I and III only

            c .         I, IV, and V

            d .         II and IV only

            e .         *correct* I, III, and V


3 .          All but one of the following are functions of proteins within a cell.  Which one is NOT a function of proteins?


            a .         switching genes on and off

            b .         providing structural support under the membranes

            c .         *correct* controlling or mediating the osmosis of water and oxygen (O2) across the cell membranes

            d .  catalyzing chemical change

            e .         facilitating active transport


4 .          Which of the following is NOT true about enzymes?


            a . They function best at specific temperatures but break down at high temperatures.

            b . Some enzymes require activators.

            c . They are essential to the metabolism of cells for the conversion of energy.

            d . They function best at a particular pH.

            e . *correct*They undergo a major chemical change after reacting with their specific substrate.


5 .          Many individuals of the same species living together in a defined area form a/an


            a . community.

            b . genus. 

            c . *coorect*population.

            d . ecosystem.

            e . variety.


6 .          A student who has forgot to transfer his or her choices onto the answer sheet at the back of this exam booklet is:

            a . a bit nervous.

            b . panicky, generally freaking out.

            c . beyond the point where s/he cares.

            d . asleep at the wheel, wondering how in God's name s/he ever got into this mess and Please make it end.

            e . likely to lose 1% cause your teacher wants to finish this term as quickly as you do and has threatened with with this penalty so s/he doesn't waste time chasing your answers down.  (Hint:  pick me J!)


7 .          When two different species overlap in the same biological niche, they are


            a . unaffected by one another.

            b . dependent on one another.

            c . in co‑operation with one another.

            d . *correct*in competition with one another.

            e . dependent on different food supplies.


8 .          The sequence of energy flow through a food chain is


            a . primary consumers--> producers--> higher order consumers.

            b . higher order consumers-->primary consumers-->producers.

            c . primary consumers--> higher order consumers-->producers.

            d . producers-->higher order consumers-->primary consumers.

            e . *correct*producers-->primary consumers-->higher order consumers.


9 .          The rate of growth of a natural population


            a . always reaches the carrying capacity of the ecosystem.

            b . when graphed, always has a positive slope.

            c . *correct*is limited by the carrying capacity of the ecosystem.

            d . is calculated by subtracting death rate from birth rate.

            e . exceeds the death rate and rate of emigration.


10 .        Species found in Australia tend to be very different than the general population at large.  The best explanation is:

            a . the "upside-down" gravity causes mutations in their genes

            b . due to their odd bipedal locomotion, the constant jarring of a male kangaroos "naughty-bits" causes mutations to occur in the gonads.

            c . Mel Gibson.

            d . it's, like, well, you know, sorta, like, well, just cuz (do you know what I mean?).

            e . populations of species have been physically separated from the larger global gene pool.


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