95' SBIOA Exam


93 Exam 
Part A: M/C
Part B: Short Answers
Part C: Essay Question

94 Exam 
Part A: M/C
Part B: Essay Questions

95 Exam 
Part A: M/C
Part B:
Part C:
Part D:

97 Exam 
Part A: M/C
Part B:
Part C:
Part D:




1 .         a . Propose a DNA sequence for the protein (fragment) met-asp-phe.  Use the RNA codon chart provided.  Propose a DNA sequence for the protein fragment met-gln-phe.


            b . How might such a mutation have an impact on the workings of a cell if met-xxx-phe were in the active site of an enzyme?  Give examples and use pictures.


2 .          a . Many business leaders believe that the signs of a healthy fishery economy is marked by a continual growth of about 6% per year.  What is wrong with this philosophy? 

            b . What happened as a result of this philosophy?

            c . If "they" had recommended growth of 1% per year, what difference would be seen (if at all)?


3 .             "Photosynthesis is the same as repiration."  Defned that statement  (i.e. argue that it is true).



  <-Part C  ---  Part D ---   97 Exam->