95' SBIOA Exam


93 Exam 
Part A: M/C
Part B: Short Answers
Part C: Essay Question

94 Exam 
Part A: M/C
Part B: Essay Questions

95 Exam 
Part A: M/C
Part B:
Part C:
Part D:

97 Exam 
Part A: M/C
Part B:
Part C:
Part D:


PART B:  Single Issues - Short Answer.  ANSWER ALL OF THESE QUESTIONS. Each is worth 8 marks.  Total= 56.

1 .          Sketch either the carbon cycle or the nitrogen cycle.   Name four sources or sinks for that atom (a thing or substance where the atoms are typically found).  Name four processes by which the atoms are chemically moved from one source to another.


2 .         Prepare a chart which compares three traits typical of k-selecting species to R-selecting species.


3 .         Sketch the glycolytic reactions. 


4 .         Sketch the reactions of the tricarboxylic acid cycle (aka C.A.C. or Krebs).


5 .         Sketch the reactions catalysed by the electron transport chain complex.


6 .         Sketch the reactions of photosystems I and II.  Show the important molecules, how many are made, where the photolysis and cyclic photophosphorylation occurs.


7 .         Sketch the reactions of the Calvin cycle.



  <-Part A   ---  Part B ---   Part C->