95' SBIOA Exam


93 Exam 
Part A: M/C
Part B: Short Answers
Part C: Essay Question

94 Exam 
Part A: M/C
Part B: Essay Questions

95 Exam 
Part A: M/C
Part B:
Part C:
Part D:

97 Exam 
Part A: M/C
Part B:
Part C:
Part D:


PART A:  Multiple Choice.  Answer all the following.  [1 mark each].

Page 1       Page 2         Page 3       Page 4       

31 .        A repressor protein


            a . prevents the action of a regulatory gene.

            b . *correct*blocks the gene transcription.

            c . suppresses the action of antibodies.

            d . prevents any interference with the binding of RNA polymerase to DNA.    

            e . reduces the rate of secretion of antibodies.


32 .        If a couple have had 2 boys and a girl, what are the chances that their next child will be a girl?  (And no, Alan, you can't say "100% because they're going to adopt.")


            a . 25%

            b . 33%

            c . *correct*50%

            d . 66%

            e . 100%


33 .        During photosynthesis, the free oxygen produced comes from


            a . *ans*water.

            b . glucose or starch.

            c . carbon dioxide.

            d . a five-carbon compound.

            e . chlorophyll.


34 .        The role of water in photosynthesis is to


            a . provide energy.

            b . activate chlorophyll.

            c . refract intense sunlight.

            d . supply oxygen.

            e . *ans*supply hydrogen atoms and free electrons.


35 .        Which of the following is a structural isomer of glucose:

            a . galactose

            b . fructose

            c . sucrose

            d . both 'a' and 'b'

            e . both `a' and `c'


36 .        Which are common structures in proteins?

            a . alpha helixes

            b . primary alpha sequences

            c . beta pleated sheets

            d . both `a' and `b'

            e . both `a' and `c'


37 .        Which are the major functions of fats?

            a . cell membrane constituent.

            b . source of energy

            c . can be either a cell membrane constituent or a source of energy.

            d . none of the above.


38 .        If the population of Canada increases at a rate of .2% per year, in how many years will population double?

            a . .36

            b . 3.6

            c . 36

            d . 360

            e . none of the above


  <-Page 3   ---  Page 4 ---   Part B->