94' SBIOA Exam


93 Exam 
Part A: M/C
Part B: Short Answers
Part C: Essay Question

94 Exam 
Part A: M/C
Part B: Essay Questions

95 Exam 
Part A: M/C
Part B:
Part C:
Part D:

97 Exam 
Part A: M/C
Part B:
Part C:
Part D:




Part A: Multiple Choices(con't)

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21.      A carrot plant is exposed to carbon dioxide containing  radioactive carbon for 24 hours.  After this exposure, the carrot roots are found to have accumulated radioactivity. These carrots are then fed to a rabbit.  One week later, the rabbit's tissue is tested for radioactivity and is found  to have a higher than normal background count.

              Which biogeochemical cycle is apparent from this study?

            a.         oxygen

            b.         water

            c.         mineral

            d.         *correct*carbon

            e.         nitrogen


22.        The rate of growth of a natural population


            a.         always reaches the carrying capacity of the ecosystem.

            b.         when graphed, always has a positive slope.

            c.         *correct*is limited by the carrying capacity of the ecosystem.

            d.         is calculated by subtracting death rate from birth rate.

            e.         exceeds the death rate and rate of emigration.


23.        Passive transport is the movement of materials across a cell membrane caused by


            a.         *correct* random molecular or ionic motion.

            b.         electrical attraction.

            c.         carrier molecules.

            d.         active transport.

            e.         solvent pressure.


24.      Identical cylinders were cut from a living potato, and placed into distilled water and salt solutions of varying concentrations. A control cylinder was kept in potato juice. The cylinder whose turgor remained the same as in the fresh potato juice was in


            a.         *correct*an isotonic solution.

            b.         a saturated solution.

            c.         a hypertonic solution.

            d.         distilled water.

            e.         a hypotonic solution.


25.      A system in which potassium ions moved from cytoplasm containing a low concentration of ions into a vacuole with a higher concentration of potassium ions would be an example of


            a.         osmosis.

            b.         *correct*active transport.

            c.         diffusion.

            d.         passive transport.

            e.         pinocytosis.


26.        The process of phagocytosis involves the passage of


            a.         solid wastes out of the cell.

            b.         *correct*solid particles into the cell.

            c.         liquid wastes out of the cell.

            d.         water into the cell.

            e.         ions of solutes into the cell.


27.        `Free energy' is


            a.         *correct* energy that can do useful work.

            b.         energy which is released in every chemical reaction.

            c.         energy released during endergonic reactions.

            d.         the total energy involved in a chemical reaction.

            e.         heat energy.


28.        The second law of thermodynamics states that as entropy increases, free energy

            a.         remains constant.

            b.         *correct*decreases.

            c.         depends on the chemical reaction involved.

            d.         varies inversely with the absolute temperature.

            e.         is released as heat energy.


29.        A chemical reaction will occur spontaneously if


            a.         entropy decreases and enthalpy increases.

            b.         *correct*entropy increases and enthalpy decreases.

            c.         change in entropy equals change in enthalpy.

            d.         both entropy and enthalpy decrease.

            e.         both entropy and enthalpy increase.


30.      The process which converts chemical potential energy into a form which can be used by  cells is called


            a.         translocation.

            b.         anabolism.

            c.         *correct*catabolism.

            d.         transpiration.

            e.         transcription.


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